Kate Hudson has one thing to thank for her acne-free skin: going vegan. She’s only been following a plant-based diet for a handful of months, but even in a short period of time, her skin has done a complete 180.
In a recent interview with Vogue, the actress revealed just how much changing her eating habits has transformed her appearance, saying, “My skin, like my body, it fluctuates. I’ll have three [good] days, and then boom, I’ve got pimples showing up. I’ve had a hard time figuring it out. When I went vegan last summer, my skin was the best it’s ever been — skin tone, pores, everything.”
Kate has tried going Paleo since, and she immediately noticed it wasn’t the same: she admits she dropped weight, but her skin wasn’t nearly as pimple-free. Now, she says her main goal is eating as healthy as she can — and that means trying to eat plant-based whenever possible.
“Sugar’s the worst — I wish it wasn’t, but it’s so brutal. Basically I don’t eat gluten, I don’t eat that much sugar, and I really don’t eat dairy. But then if I happen to be at a restaurant and they send out a dessert, I’m going to eat the dessert. And if Mario Batali whips up a pasta, I’m not going to say no,” Kate says.
Even though Kate isn’t 100% vegan, she noticed something many people notice after adopting a plant-based diet: Without dairy, loads of sugar, and hormones, it’s not uncommon to notice a quick change in the appearance of the skin, as well as weight loss, a boost in mood, and feeling pretty damn good overall. So, what are you waiting for?